Yoga for November 2012

Living as a higher you through the power of forgiveness

Sometimes while I am walking down the street, I see a person throw garbage on the ground and I wonder, “What are they thinking?” This careless action makes me feel angry. It is the same when I see people smoking cigarettes in public, especially around babies and children. I cannot understand why they do this.

There are times when I think of all of the thoughtless things that I have done in my life, not only to the people around me, but to the environment as well. During my reflections I hope that God, our Mother Creator, can forgive me for my carelessness.

It is very easy to judge others but it can be more difficult to judge ourselves. I believe that through each reincarnation we develop a higher understanding of who we really are. I am sure that I have behaved just as carelessly as the people that anger me as I am walking down the street. I need to remember that another people may not have learned the same lessons that you or I have learned from the family that raised us in this, and previous, lifetimes.

During the month of November we will focus on changing our perspective through the power of forgiveness. We will focus on the 4th and 7th Chakras. The 4th Chakra represents our love of self and ability to forgive both others and our ourselves. The seventh chakra is our ability to feel a higher power and see that we all exist as one soul, rather than separate entities. Through our practice we will try and strengthen our ability to see a higher truth, use our neutral mind and have compassion in our hearts for everyone. When we are able to relate to others and become one, we can feel the grand experience of freeness and love.

By examining the choices that other people make in the ways that they treat themselves, others and the world around us, we create an enlightened awareness. This awareness is a gift that we can use to guide, teach and act as an example to others. This month, lets take one step closer to the ‘higher you’ through the act of forgiveness, not only of others but also of ourselves. Let’s use this forgiveness to shine a path of light that everyone can follow.

Yoga for October 2012

The Power of Projection

Projecting is a way of becoming something. Projecting is a way to experience and live. Projecting, or emanating, is the way you create things. The experience we have in life is created by ourselves, and is not a random act. The way people see you and relate to you mirrors the way you feel about yourself.

This October, we will focus on getting to the core of what you want in this life. What is in the core of your soul? What is your deepest love?

For example, you may have an image of the kind of job you want. It might be a job where you can enjoy the people you work with, or enjoy what you do at work. It might be a job that helps people, or helps the world. Or maybe you want a job where you can make a good salary and still have the flexibility to travel. These job characteristics create an image of your perfect job.

When you believe, feel, visualize, and are PROJECTING the image you have into your meditation, then in time, it will become real – it will become your experience. You can do this to help yourself get a job, a love partner, a home, friends, and to become the person you want to be in this life.

This month we will work through various yoga sets that will help us to release some of the blockages we have deep in our subconscious. In childhood, many of us pick up something that is called “learned helplessness.” Maybe you dreamed of becoming an Olympic swimmer when you were a child but your parents said, “No, you won’t be good enough and we don’t have the money.” After hearing this type of thing many times as a young child, we feel that our dreams and passions being broken. We lose the faith that we can do the things that lay in the core of our hearts.

At anytime in our life we can shift and cleanse old thought patterns and remember our full potential. We can wake up our inner passion and use it to create the life we choose to live now. Join us this month as we remember who we are and take one step closer to our dreams.

Yoga for September 2012

Feeling the Happiness in You

What makes you smile? What makes you feel happiness and love in your heart? Is it the people you are surrounded by? Or is it the things you do?

After searching for joy outside of myself countless times, I have found that true happiness can only come from within. This September, it is my goal for us to learn tools we can use to reach our natural state of contentment, no matter what challenges we may face, or what environment life puts us into.

By connecting with our breath, we will be able to ignite our life force energy. In moving through different yogic postures we have the ability to cleanse stagnant energy and to unite with the purity of our true selves. In meditation, we will clear our mind so that we can know what choices we need to make in order to fulfill our life dreams and experience our highest life purpose.

Yogi Bhajan once said, “If you want to be happy, you have to be happy when there’s no happiness around you. How can you be happy that way? Because you feel the infinity in you.”

Yoga for July 2012

Synchronizing the Body, Mind, and Soul with Kundalini Yoga

During the month of July we will use Kundalini Yoga to synchronize our body, mind, and soul. Many people believe that these elements are separate entities, when in fact they are a team. When the body, mind, and soul unite and work as one powerful force of energy you will KNOW your purpose in life. You will TRUST your own intuition, and you will FEEL vitality, energy, and breath in your body.

Yoga is a tool to bring us back to our core. Life is a constant movement of changing energy. Sometimes we feel challened, emotional, unsure, and uncomfortable. In many cases this is because our body, mind, and soul are out of balance. These periods of life can be frustrating, but it is not always a bad thing. It is part of the cycle of life and very natural.

The most challenging times in our life are often a sign of “New Beginnings.” Think about a child who has mastered crawling, and they look around to see that there is another experience called ‘walking’ that they would like to try. The child could remain complacent and comfortable, but as a natural progression in life, they take on the new challenge. In this process a toddler will fall over and over again as their body is out of balance. Soon, however, they will find their center and become comfortable again.

When we think or want a new experience in life, things will begin to change. The old starts to fall away, and the new experience will begin to take form. This can take place in relationships, jobs, or creative endeavors. The challenges we face will build strength, confidence, and prepare us for the future and the next challenge.

Yoga is tool that helps to remind us of who we are, because sometimes we may forget or become lost. Yoga helps us to learn how to take control of our mind, strengthen our intuition, and build energy for our creations. Yoga is a tool where we bring breath, flexibility, and flow to our body in order to stay youthful, vibrant, and healthy.

During this month our goal is to bring clarity and direction towards the things in our life that serve a higher purpose. When the body, mind, and soul are working together in harmony we can begin to feel a new sense of fulfillment and contentment. We can experience peace in our heart and remember that we are our own creators.

Yoga for June 2012

Living in Beauty by Becoming our Light: Strengthening our Aura

Have you ever glanced at an individual as you are walking down the street, and suddenly you find yourself staring at them? In some cases, even years later, you can still remember that particular person. Oftentimes, it is the radiance of a person’s Aura that catches our eye; the Power of their presence is their Beauty. People are drawn to the magnitude of one’s Aura.

Our Aura is a field of energy that surrounds our physical body and expands from three to nine feet on either side. A strong Aura brings you energy, health, and an angelic nature. Your Aura is created by the flow of prana through energy meridians in your body.

During the month of June, we will be focusing on strengthening and expanding our Auras. We will learn ways to intensify our Aura on a daily basis. During class, we will become familiar with various postures and breathing techniques that will assist us in our process.

There are so many ways that we can feel beautiful, graceful, and bright. Let us learn the ancient tool of the yogis and step into our light.

Yoga for May 2012

Hello my dear Yoginis! I have been so impressed with the incredible effort and meditative focus that you have put into our classes. You are doing a really good job!

In May, we will be focusing on the second chakra: the chakra of connection. It represents our connection to creativity, passion and money, as well as our own self worth. At times in the past we may have felt neglected. This can happen in childhood when we don’t receive the attention needed from parents, teachers or other important people around us. It can manifest into a feeling that we simply do not deserve greatness in this lifetime. Sometimes we think we do not deserve to make money doing the things we love or we don’t deserve to be in a relationship filled with love, trust and joyfulness.

Our goal is to unleash the second chakra’s stored energy and to channel our energy into the things that we have the most passion for. By moving through specific Kundalini kriyas and meditations we can transform ourselves in very powerful ways. In truth, we deserve the very best and should never settle for anything less. This month, let us move to a place where we stand proud of who we are. Let us live from a place of knowing and believing so that we may experience life to its fullest capacity.

Special Workshop: Opening the Heart’s Center – Yoga and Lunch

In this day and age, there is so much change happening in the world. There is one path – one state of being – that will allow us to maintain our grace, strength and happiness: The state of compassion.

In this workshop, we will use the energy of the group to go to the depth of our capacity and ignite the core of our heart’s center. The only thing that creates irritability, frustration and friction in our relationships is a lack of compassion within ourselves. Through specific yogic postures that work on the opening of the heart, and a powerful meditation, we will release old tensions, emotions and the stagnant energy that blocks our capacity to feel the higher states of love.

Our external life is a reflection of our internal state of being. Through the science of kundalini yoga and the power of the group we have the ability to create a permanent change in the way we feel, relate to, and love our own true nature. When we can love who we are, we will unite with the path we came here to live.

To finish our afternoon we will share together as we enjoy delicious vegetarian wraps, rice and tea in the company of our friends.

Yoga for April 2012

Living in our Heart’s Center: Awakening the Fourth Chakra

Compassion, acceptance, fulfillment and love are all qualities that represent the fourth chakra. The heart chakra is the pivotal point in the chakra system and represents the element Air. In the month of April we will take one step forward into experiencing, feeling and living in our heart’s center.

Life itself is not exciting. It becomes exciting when you put your love, compassion, and appreciation into very breath, every action and every connection that you make.

Our goal is to awaken and experience our everyday life from a different state of being. The element of the fourth chakra which is the gateway between the mind and the body is breathing. When these two are connected we are free to give from our heart, express how we feel, and receive love from those around us.

Special Workshop: Activating our Forward Motion – Yoga and Lunch

Date: March 20th 2012
Time: Yoga 10:30 – 12:15 Lunch 12:15 – 13:00

There comes a time when dreams come alive, when our ideas become experience, and our actions call for forward movement. We have spent the winter thinking, planning and cultivating our creations. As spring approaches, now is the time to bring them to life.

In this workshop, we will use an ancient yogic kriya (series of yogic postures), our breath and a powerful meditation to awaken our motivating force. We will focus on the third chakra, which represents the fire element, in order to release fear, blocked emotions and uncertainty of the future. As we bring our third chakra into alignment, we will be connecting with our own personal power. When we own our personal power there are no limitations to what we can experience in life.

To finish our afternoon we will share together as friends and enjoy delicious vegetarian sandwiches, cookies and tea.

Yoga for March 2012

Creating a Solid Foundation

A solid foundation is the most essential thing in life. Trees need strong roots to grow; a building needs a strong base so it won’t crumble and fall; humans need to be solid and conscious of both their highest potential and who they are.

Throughout life we are influenced by society and we build a false identity of our “I am” (who we think we are) based on what others tell us. I believe our “I am” is limitless. The foundation of who we think we are reflects every experience we have: the people we attract, the work we decide to do and the dreams we choose to create. We are beautiful, compassionate, powerful, intelligent, creative and loving human beings. Our “I am” is our most basic foundation.

During the month of March we will work to break down and let go of the qualities we carry that do not serve our highest good. We will rebuild and move to align our own personal foundation with the person we choose to be in this moment. Our “I am” is our personal choice. We choose who we are and who we know ourselves to be. The third chakra in your body is where we hold the deepest power of our own identity. When our third chakra is strong we have the knowledge and stability to build and create our life. When the third chakra is strong we have the commitment and discipline to go forward even when challenges arise.

We will unite as a group to do meditations that will help us to clear our minds and change old patterns. We have the ability to create a foundation that will serve our higher good. My goal is for us to be able to look at ourselves in the mirror and say: “I love myself, I believe in who I am and I know I have the power to experience anything I want in life.”