Yoga for March 2012

Creating a Solid Foundation

A solid foundation is the most essential thing in life. Trees need strong roots to grow; a building needs a strong base so it won’t crumble and fall; humans need to be solid and conscious of both their highest potential and who they are.

Throughout life we are influenced by society and we build a false identity of our “I am” (who we think we are) based on what others tell us. I believe our “I am” is limitless. The foundation of who we think we are reflects every experience we have: the people we attract, the work we decide to do and the dreams we choose to create. We are beautiful, compassionate, powerful, intelligent, creative and loving human beings. Our “I am” is our most basic foundation.

During the month of March we will work to break down and let go of the qualities we carry that do not serve our highest good. We will rebuild and move to align our own personal foundation with the person we choose to be in this moment. Our “I am” is our personal choice. We choose who we are and who we know ourselves to be. The third chakra in your body is where we hold the deepest power of our own identity. When our third chakra is strong we have the knowledge and stability to build and create our life. When the third chakra is strong we have the commitment and discipline to go forward even when challenges arise.

We will unite as a group to do meditations that will help us to clear our minds and change old patterns. We have the ability to create a foundation that will serve our higher good. My goal is for us to be able to look at ourselves in the mirror and say: “I love myself, I believe in who I am and I know I have the power to experience anything I want in life.”
