Yoga for July 2012

Synchronizing the Body, Mind, and Soul with Kundalini Yoga

During the month of July we will use Kundalini Yoga to synchronize our body, mind, and soul. Many people believe that these elements are separate entities, when in fact they are a team. When the body, mind, and soul unite and work as one powerful force of energy you will KNOW your purpose in life. You will TRUST your own intuition, and you will FEEL vitality, energy, and breath in your body.

Yoga is a tool to bring us back to our core. Life is a constant movement of changing energy. Sometimes we feel challened, emotional, unsure, and uncomfortable. In many cases this is because our body, mind, and soul are out of balance. These periods of life can be frustrating, but it is not always a bad thing. It is part of the cycle of life and very natural.

The most challenging times in our life are often a sign of “New Beginnings.” Think about a child who has mastered crawling, and they look around to see that there is another experience called ‘walking’ that they would like to try. The child could remain complacent and comfortable, but as a natural progression in life, they take on the new challenge. In this process a toddler will fall over and over again as their body is out of balance. Soon, however, they will find their center and become comfortable again.

When we think or want a new experience in life, things will begin to change. The old starts to fall away, and the new experience will begin to take form. This can take place in relationships, jobs, or creative endeavors. The challenges we face will build strength, confidence, and prepare us for the future and the next challenge.

Yoga is tool that helps to remind us of who we are, because sometimes we may forget or become lost. Yoga helps us to learn how to take control of our mind, strengthen our intuition, and build energy for our creations. Yoga is a tool where we bring breath, flexibility, and flow to our body in order to stay youthful, vibrant, and healthy.

During this month our goal is to bring clarity and direction towards the things in our life that serve a higher purpose. When the body, mind, and soul are working together in harmony we can begin to feel a new sense of fulfillment and contentment. We can experience peace in our heart and remember that we are our own creators.
