Life on the Refrigerator Door

久々に小説を読んでみようと思って、芦屋市立図書館で偶然見つけた本をご紹介します。そのタイトルは『冷蔵庫のうえの人生』。くいしん坊の私にはとても興味深いタイトルで、手にとってみたら、イギリス人作家 Alice Kuipers 著『Life on the Refrigerator Door』を翻訳したものでした。


イギリス人作家 Alice は、乳がん撲滅運動のサポーターだとのこと。この翻訳本は『CLEA』や『FRAU』といった OL さん向けの雑誌で紹介されていたそうです。

Fun run

Ashiya International Fun Run, in aid of UNICEF, was held last Sunday (11th April 2010). The sun shone and thousands gathered for a day of races (from 3km to half-marathons) around Ashiya-hama. I took part in the 10km race, and I am pleased, as well as being a little surprised, to say that I really enjoyed it. It was tough at times but I had been training for a few months, and with the help and encouragement of family, friends and Imagine’s members, I was able to run the race in a fairly respectable time: just under an hour! Having had such a good time running 10km this year, I think I might try and go for the half-marathon next year. Watch this space.




何故か犬が英語でナレーションを務めていますが、お弁当の作り方がとても分かり易く紹介されています。野菜を半月切りにする/皮を剥く/卵でほうれん草を丸めるなど英語で説明するとき、とっさに出てきますか? この動画を見れば、日本のお弁当文化を外国の方へ説明できるようになりますよ! 英語の勉強に、またお弁当の作り方のお勉強に、ぜひご覧ください。


Line of light

Hadrian’s wall was built by the Roman emperor Hadrian, to protect the Romans in England from the ‘barbarians’ across the border in Scotland. It can still be seen, stretching across the North of England, from Newcastle to Carlisle. In March 2010 a crowd of around 25,000 people gathered to watch a ‘line of light’ being lit all the way along the wall. It made for a spectacular display, with beacons lit, one at a time, 250 metres apart for 135 kilometres:

The line of light only lasted for half an hour, but the wall itself has survived for over 2,000 years. If you are visiting The Lake District nearby, or even Edinburgh, why not pay a visit to Hadrian’s wall? While it is not quite on the same scale as The Great Wall of China, it is still a fascinating part of British history, situated in a beautiful location.

Henry: a progress report

It has been a very busy six-months since Henry was born. In his short time with us, he has flown on aeroplanes, had a dip in the sea, attended two imagine* parties, and worked as a model, to name just a few of his activities. He has recently started crawling, which has brought him a great deal of pleasure, and a little bit of pain (he keeps banging his head – ouch!).

Another development is that he has started to take an interest in food. Mashed bananas or mangoes – yummy! Mashed apples or sweet potatoes – yuck! We are beginning to teach him sign language so that he will be able to communicate a little sooner. So, tapping the mouth means FOOD, one hand clapping is DRINK, and two hands together, next to the cheek, is BED, and a well-earned rest.

have a dip in the sea 海でひと浴びする
crawling ハイハイする
ouch 痛い
mashed すりつぶした
yummy  おいしい
yuck ウエッ
a well-earned rest  もらって当然の休息

Not just a language studio

フリーペーパー『芦屋モンテメール通信』の制作に携わる撮影場所として、先日私たちのイマジン語学スタジオ内をご使用いただきました。このフリーペーパーはモンテメール/大丸芦屋店の店舗情報等を掲載する情報紙です。モンテメールは JR 芦屋駅すぐに位置するショッピングモールで、イマジン語学スタジオのちょうど南側にありますね。

~この春から英会話やフラワーアレンジメント等の習い事を始めよう!~という写真のイメージ設定で、外国人の先生と会話をしている写真を撮りたいというご要望でした。撮影時にはモデル、デザイナー、コピーライター、カメラマン、メイクアップ、そのアシスタントの方々等、総勢10名程の方が撮影のために来られました。後ろ姿程度かもしれませんが、Ed もモデルとしてどのようなフォトイメージが掲載されるか楽しみです。芦屋市の新聞折込に配布される予定ですので、皆さまお楽しみに。

Christmas cards

It’s the middle of December and people all over the world are busy writing Christmas cards. It’s an important part of the festivities and a good way to keep in touch with people you don’t see very often, but if English isn’t your first language it can be difficult to know what message to write to English speaking friends. One thing to remember is that we usually include a New Year’s greeting with the Christmas message. Some people write a long message, but most people have to send so many cards they only have time to write a short message.

Here is a selection of some standard messages from cards we have received this year:

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Season’s Greetings
Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year
Special Christmas Wishes
May your Christmas and New Year Shine
Christmas Greetings

Any of these will be fine for a message to a friend, family member or colleague. Don’t forget to write the name of the person you are sending the card to, and to sign it. For example:

To Imagine’s members
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
From us all at Imagine

Autumn or fall ?


さて、「秋」を英語でいうと? 答えはふたつ、「Autumn」もしくは「Fall」。どちらも間違いではありません。イギリス英語だと「Autumn」、アメリカ英語だと「Fall」に。これ以外にも発音が同じだけどスペルが違ったり、その逆もあります。例えば、よく使用する「can’t」の発音をカタカナで表現すると、イギリスは「カーント」、アメリカは「キャント」となります。このどちらの単語も、私が中学の時に英語の授業で習ったものですが、私は、秋といえば「Autumn」と答え、can’tは「キャント」と発音します。


Choosing a name

It’s very difficult choosing a name for your baby; it’s a big responsibility! A British newspaper published the top ten baby names in England and Wales for last year. Can you guess what they were? Any ideas? They were………… Olivia for girls and Jack for boys. I really like them both, but you can imagine in a few years time every classroom will have several Jacks and Olivias – a tricky problem for the teacher, I’m sure.

After a lot of discussion, my husband and I decided to call our baby Henry David. Henry was a name we liked very much and it’s NOT in the top ten list – hooray! In the UK most people have a middle name. Sometimes it’s the name of someone else in the family, e.g. a father’s or a grandmother’s first name, and sometimes it just makes a nice combination with the first name, like Rebecca Jane ;-) . We chose David for both reasons and fortunately, our family and friends approved of our choice – phew! Check out the article for yourself:

Olivia and Jack are most popular baby names | Society | The Guardian

Which name would you choose?

If you are thinking of studying abroad

