Story time!

It was a hot, summer’s day and I made my way to the Foreign Buyer’s Club on Rokko Island. My job was to tell stories to children using books produced by Oxford University Press. I wasn’t sure what to expect so felt a little bit nervous. However, as soon as I arrived I was made to feel very welcome by the OUP and FBC staff. There were some other teachers from another school who were really friendly too – I began to relax! Then the children arrived – about 30 I think. We had fun looking through the story books and speaking lots of English together. I was worried the children might be really shy and quiet but if anything, it was the complete opposite – they were so energetic and confident! Children don’t worry about making mistakes so much. They become so involved in the story, they seem to forget they are speaking a different language – great eh? Anyway, it was a lovely day and I hope I can do it again sometime in the future. Forget computer games and iPhone Apps, story time is the best!

‘If on a winter’s night a traveler’ launch party 5 September 2010

Last Sunday was the latest party at imagine* – this time to celebrate the launch of Seiko Oka’s new exhibition ‘If on a winter’s night a traveler’. It was great to see so many imagine* members there, from some of our longest serving to a few of our youngest! There was lots of praise for the artworks on display and the delicious food, once again provided by Itsuki Bakery.

We hold parties like these every three months to mark the launch of each new exhibition at imagine*. They are great way to meet like-minded people and to meet our teachers, as well as see some interesting contemporary art. If you are in the area, feel free to drop in next time we hold a party. Details will be available on this website.

Reading for September 2010


For a long time it seemed to me that real life was about to begin, but there was always some obstacle in the way. Something had to be got through first, some unfinished business; time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.

The perspective helped me to see that there is no way to happiness.
Happiness IS the way.
So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Dance as though no one is watching you.
Love as though you’ve never been hurt before.
Sing as though no one can hear you.
Live as though heaven is on earth.


In September we will be doing poses around the Sun Salutation (surya namaskar), which will be the basis for this month’s vinyasa (flow).

Other poses include:

Half Lord of the Fishes
Seal pose
Child’s pose
Table Top pose
Upward Dog pose
Downward Dog pose
Half Locust and Full Locust pose
Superman pose
Belly twist (with legs extended)
Plank pose
Pigeon pose
High lunge (with Fists of Fire)
Chair pose
Eagle pose



A recent trip back to the UK gave us the chance to stop off for a couple of nights in Amsterdam. Having never been there before, it was a visit I was particularly looking forward to, and I am happy to say that it didn’t disappoint. Amsterdam is famous for its canals, bridges and bicycles, and these were all very much in evidence in the area we were staying, just outside the city centre. We didn’t do much when we were there. It was simply a pleasure to stroll around the streets, crossing canals, and admiring the beautiful 17th century buildings. The fact that were more bicycles than cars added to the laid-back atmosphere – quite different from other major cities. It was also lovely to be able to eat dinner (and drink a beer or two) in the open air: watching the world cycle, or float, idly by.

Reading for July & August 2010


Nothing and no one is perfect. Sometimes, as human beings, we get frustrated when situations do not go the way that we would like them to go. Often, we hear ourselves and other people complaining about situations. People are unhappy with their governments, their partners, their families, their schools, the weather… whatever situations are outside of them and out of their control.

The reading for July and August is one of my favorites. The quote is from 1100 A.D. (that’s a LONG time ago!), written by an unknown monk. It goes like this:

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world.
I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation.
When I found I couldn’t change the nation, I began to focus on my town. I couldn’t change the town and as an older man, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man, I realize the

‘skirt’ exhibition launch party 13 June 2010

It was a rainy day and we were worried people would decide not to come – but they did! In fact, we had a great turnout. People seemed to be very interested in our new exhibition by Rui Nakai. What a great idea: designs for skirts based on the artist’s travel experiences. There are a variety of images for example, flamingos in a river in Berlin, marching soldiers in Copenhagen and (my personal favourite) city lights in Amsterdam. I think the pieces appealed to all ages; some of our younger members told me they liked the bright colours and pretty designs.

As well as fantastic art we had tasty food too (a party essential!). A friend of the artist, from Itsuki Bakery, very kindly supplied us with delicious home-baked bread and homemade marmalade – we hope he will come again! It was a great afternoon and we all had a really nice time chatting with friends and meeting new people, surrounded by Rui’s inventive and refreshing exhibition. Another successful party!

Ashram life

In October 2009, I had the wonderful experience of getting my yoga teacher training at a special place in India called the “Yoga Vidya Gurukul Ashram”. An ashram is defined as a place of spiritual learning. For me it was a community of like-minded people who lived, breathed and thought about yoga all day, every day. Because there are no distractions from outside (no internet, no cellphones, no fast food, no new fashions or television), it was very easy to just fall into the yoga way of life and truly relax.

A typical day in the ashram would look like this:

5 am: Wake-up time
We would wake up before the sun, awoken by a hand-rung bell that echoed through the valleys. For the first hour of the day, we had to keep a rule of silence. You wake up, splash water on your face, smile at your roommates and slowly make your way down the hill to the dining area. Here we could get a cup of warm herbal tea, and some people used this time to write in their dairies.

5:45 am: Mantra chanting
After waking up properly with the help of the herbal tea, we would make our way to the yoga hall and sit in the meditative posture, cross-legged on the floor. Then we would learn and chant mantras in Sanskrit. My favorite mantra is the Gayatri Mantra, and it goes like this:

6 am: Yoga practice (asana and pranayama)
During the morning sessions, we slowly woke up our bodies by doing 14 Sun Salutations. After that, we learned new poses and postures. We always ended off the class with a new breathing technique, bandha (muscle lock in the body) or mudra (hand position used in meditation).

8 am: Karma yoga
As opposed to yoga exercise, karma yoga is basically one hour of cleaning or helping out around the ashram. Karma yoga is seva – selfless service. For this hour, everyone helped by washing floors, peeling vegetables in the kitchen, working in the garden, painting walls, fixing broken things, making teaching materials for local schools, washing dishes… Anything that needed to be done. The purpose of karma yoga is to teach us a way of living where we live for other people, not ourselves. How can you help those around you today?

Asana and Reading for June 2010


When you are on your yoga mat in class, it is very important to try to be In The Present Moment. Once you step off your yoga mat, you should try to keep that in mind. Our reading for the month of June is a quick set of 5 rules that will help you to remember to focus your mind on the NOW. This way, we can live a life where we learn from the past, live harmoniously in the present, and plan for the future.

Everyone has their own worries and insecurities. These problems increase when we think too much about the past (regretting what we did or didn’t do) or when we think too much about the future (worrying about things that have not happened yet).

The founder of Reiki, a man called Mikao Usui, wrote these five rules, the “Five Reiki Principles” as a guide for anyone to follow to have a happier, healthier life.

Just for today 今日だけは
do not get angry 怒るな
do not worry 心配すな
be grateful 感謝して
work diligently 業をはげめ
be kind to everyone 人に親切に

If we think about life this way – taking it day by day, moment for moment – then life suddenly becomes much easier. We all make mistakes. You might have gotten angry yesterday, but today is a new day. You might have been unkind to someone last week, but don’t worry. Just try again today. Every morning when you wake up, tell yourself that you will be the best person that you can be. Just for today.


Forward bend
Downward Dog (downward dog spirit)
Seated forward bend (pachimattasana)
Spinal twist (ardha matsyendrasana)
Warrior series
Wide angle forward bend


Dictionary application


私がよくパソコンインターネットで利用するアルクのページにはさまざまな情報が掲載され、その中に「英辞郎 on the WEB」があります。この英辞郎のiPhone用アプリとして「英辞郎 on the WEB for iPhone」が無料にて配信されています。辞書としてはもちろんのこと単語帳として個々に登録でき、私はとても気に入っています。辞書で引いた単語を登録しておけば、何度でも確認できるし単語力強化にとても有効です。レッスン中に調べて登録するもいいでしょう。復習にも役立ちますよ。


The power of yoga

先日西宮でホットヨガを体験しました。ヨガは結構長い間やっています。気づいたら7年ほど。フィットネスヨーガから始まりアシュタンガヨガのクラスに何回か参加しました。2003年頃からすごい勢いで流行っていきましたが、確かそのころ、坂本龍一がニューヨークでやっていたとかで話題となっていたのを記憶しています。65年以上断食をしているプララド・ジャニさんというインド人の83歳男性のニュースを先日テレビで観ました。太陽光のみをエネルギー源とし、ヨガと瞑想の毎日を送っているとのこと。水すら飲まないそうです。食べないから排泄の必要もなく汗もかかないそうです。すごすぎます! 何人もの医者が彼の体を調べたところ、全くの異常なし。医学的な視点からの情報ばかりで、どんなヨガや瞑想をしているのかが取り上げられていなかったのが残念。ヨガと瞑想がすごいのかプララドさんがすごいのか、本当に人間なのか? んー、不思議な世界です。

英会話・ヨガ 芦屋ラポルテ北館
イマジン語学スタジオのホームページは こちら

*language studio

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