Choosing a name

It’s very difficult choosing a name for your baby; it’s a big responsibility! A British newspaper published the top ten baby names in England and Wales for last year. Can you guess what they were? Any ideas? They were………… Olivia for girls and Jack for boys. I really like them both, but you can imagine in a few years time every classroom will have several Jacks and Olivias – a tricky problem for the teacher, I’m sure.

After a lot of discussion, my husband and I decided to call our baby Henry David. Henry was a name we liked very much and it’s NOT in the top ten list – hooray! In the UK most people have a middle name. Sometimes it’s the name of someone else in the family, e.g. a father’s or a grandmother’s first name, and sometimes it just makes a nice combination with the first name, like Rebecca Jane ;-) . We chose David for both reasons and fortunately, our family and friends approved of our choice – phew! Check out the article for yourself:

Olivia and Jack are most popular baby names | Society | The Guardian

Which name would you choose?

“Choosing a name” への2件のコメント

  1. Sandra より:

    Yeah that’s what I’m tlainkg about baby–nice work!

  2. Lateisha より:

    I don’t know who you wrote this for but you hleped a brother out.
