‘Somewhere’ Launch party – March 2014

料理人もアーティストだなぁ —— というのは、今回のパーティで


農家さんから直接仕入れた食材は厳選されていて、新鮮なだけでなく、その素材を活かして丁寧に調理された姿勢を、お料理から感じました。甘空さんが最も得意とするデザートには、桜あんをはさんだ抹茶マカロンも! そのマカロンには6周年のお祝いにと、「imagine*」「6」「祝」の文字をそれぞれ飾ってくださいました。ロゴの表象も忠実に再現されて、本当に感動! お料理に合うワインをソムリエの「Le Bouquet」さんにご用意いただき、そして天然酵母のパンも添えて、今回も素敵なお食事を囲みながら、メンバーの皆さま同士で賑わう交流の場になったことは言うまでもありません。ご参加くださった皆さま、甘空さん、 Le Bouquet さん、本当にありがとうございました。

また、6周年にちなんで6種類の天然酵母のパンをお土産にとご用意しました。イマジン語学スタジオの英会話レッスンは、メンバーさん個々人に合せてカスタマイズできることから、お好きなパンを選んでそれぞれを持って帰ってもらいたいという計らい。タグは、展示作家 佐藤さんにデザインいただきました。佐藤未知子さんは、神戸で活動されている絵描きさんです。アクリル絵の具を使った優しい色使いの作品を展示いただきました。展示作品は2014年6月上旬までとなります。


Tea Time

If you have ever had an English lesson at imagine* then you know that we always ask, “Would you like tea or water?” at the beginning. Of course, sometimes students don’t want something to drink at that time, and that’s OK. We hope that you don’t feel uncomfortable refusing a drink and worry that it might be rude. Please don’t worry – saying, “No thank you.” is a perfectly polite response. If you feel like challenging yourself a little, or trying something new, then you could try saying: “I’m set, thanks.” In this case, set means “OK”, and it is a polite and popular phrase that is used instead of, “No thank you.” in America.

Starting in September of last year, we have given you another reason to say, “Tea, please.” when we ask what you want. We have stopped serving bottled 伊藤園 お〜い お茶 and Midori has started preparing imported organic tea from the nearby shop Uf-fu ( ウーフ ). These teas are much fresher and tastier, and we change them every month so there is always something new to try! In September we began with Rooibos tea from South Africa. In October we had Oolong with orange from Taiwan. After that Rooibos returned, but the November version had ginger. December’s tea was a blend of Chamomile and Darjeeling and throughout January we have been serving a very fine Jasmine tea.

What will the tea be in February? That’s a secret! You will need to come and find out; I always look forward to it. Finally, remember if you just want water, we still have that too. Or you can say, “I’m set, thanks.” but I hope you will at least try the next new tea with me.

‘afous-g-oufous’ Launch party – December 2013


amaLaine はラグが作られているモロッコのベルベル村へ直接買い付けに行かれて、セレクトし、フェアトレードで輸入販売されています。そのため、通常のキリム等に比べてもお値段がとてもとてもリーゾナブル。大変ご好評をいただいて、展示と同時に幾つかのご注文をいただきました。今回の展示名、’ afous-g-oufous ‘ は、ベルベル語で『手に手をとって』という意味だそうです。展示は2014年3月上旬まで開催いたします。

先日12月8日に開催した Launch party(レセプションパーティ)では、アフリカンバティックを使ってラクダのお守りを作るワークショップを企画し、また、モロッコのミントティーをお越し頂いた方々に振る舞いました。モロッコでお茶といえば甘いミントティーだそうで、可愛らしいグラスもご用意いただき、モロッコの気分を満喫しながらのパーティとなりました。


レセプションパーティ後は、イマジンのメンバーを対象とした夜のもうひとつのパーティ、“A Night in Morocco”を開催。阪急芦屋川近くの British Pub「Clapham Inn」の店主、伊藤シェフにモロッコ料理のメニューを特別にご用意していただきました。焼きナスのペースト、モロッカンサラダ、ハリッサマヨネーズソースを付けて食べるマッコーダ(じゃがいものコロッケ)、エビとズッキーニのタジン風、牛肉のケフタ等々。スパイスの効いたお料理は大変美味しく、モロッカンな夜をご参加いただいた方々と共に過ごすことができました。

モロッカン・ナイトを支えてくれた方々は他にも、お料理内容に合せて「イツキベーカリー」からはモロッコのパンをオリジナルで焼いてくださり、ワインバー「Le Bouquet」オーナーソムリエからはワインをセレクト、おかげさまでメンバーが集う新たな交流空間となりました。


次回イマジンの Launch party は2014年3月上旬に、新たな展示と合わせて、イマジン語学スタジオ6周年となるパーティを予定しています。どうぞ、お楽しみに。

‘Story of life.’ Launch party – September 2013

Our most recent art exhibition was launched at a party on the evening of 8th September, and what a monster of a good time it was! The artist this time is a young woman from Taiwan who goes by the penname of Sieii Nidosani. She has practiced calligraphy since the age of 12, graduated from the calligraphy department of the National Taiwan University of arts in 2011, and earned her masters from The Kobe University of Design just this year.

It is no surprise then that her work draws heavily on the art of calligraphy, but what she produces is a surprisingly fresh mix of cultures and style. Most of her work is mounted backdrops like those of traditional Japanese wall scrolls, but the charcoal ink paintings themselves contain very modern characters she refers to as “monsters.” She uses brush strokes of varying pressure no doubt mastered during her long years of calligraphy training, and accents the otherwise black and white art with subtle flares of color that tie the compositions together.

Guests at our party who were bold enough could request a free portrait, and more than a dozen people did! The monsters Sieii Nidosani painted for them, like all her others, were more cute than they were scary. Perhaps the only frightening thing about them was how close they came to representing the hearts of each subject. I spoke with one student who was quite moved after she received her portrait monster. The student explained to me that while the monster looked nothing like her, every element of the art represented her character in some way, and she was amazed that the artist could do this when they had only just met!

Aside from the free portraits there was gourmet coffee available, and guests were able to enjoy all the things that have become expected at our parties: free wine and beer, delicious organic homemade baked goods for sale and sample, provided kindly made by our resident baker, Itsuki, and the international atmosphere! There was the Taiwanese artist and her Polish husband as well as guests who came from as far away as South America, and of course there were the staff members from Australia, Canada and the USA.

So whether you are one of our Yoga students, one of our English students, or you just happen to be in the area and feel like enjoying some fine art and refreshment, please stop by for our next party, scheduled for the early evening of Decemeber 8th – I hope to see you there!

Shikoku’s Rival Dance Festivals: Which is for You?

I’m writing this on a rainy day in June, but my thoughts are already of sunnier days in August. Many things come to mind, like fireworks and beaches, but today I’ll write about dancing!

Carnival, in Brazil, is the world’s largest dance festival, but did you know that the Awaodori, right here in Japan, is the second largest in the world? A few summers ago I traveled to join that festival in Tokushima. But the Awaodori is not the only dance festival on Shikoku in August! I also went to the Yosakoi festival a few hours farther south in Kochi city!

So, which would I recommend? Well, it depends on what you like…

The Awaodori is more traditional, so if you want to enjoy music, dance and costumes that have come to us from ancient times, then go to Tokushima. The Yosakoi is a modern version of the Awaodori that began around the 1950’s. The music is louder and mixes in elements of rock. The dances are faster and crazier, and the costumes are wilder and more colorful. So, if you like the excitement and originality of this newer style, go to Kouchi!

Ah, but do you want to dance, or just watch? I think that the Yosakoi is more about watching; you can stand in one place while the dance groups move past you down the street in a parade with trucks that carry their giant speakers. Not so many of the people watching were dancing. On the other hand, at the Awaodori, the people watching often join with the dancers. It’s easy to copy the slower Awaodori dancers, and as the night gets later and you have more drinks, it begins to feel like one huge and welcoming party.

As for me? I preferred the Yosakoi. The main reason is that the Awaodori was simply too crowded. Unlike the Yosakoi, the Awaodori dances happen in many parts of the city, and moving to them is difficult with so many people. It was easier for me to just relax at the Yosakoi. And although Kochi is farther than Tokushima, I thought it was more convenient. If you don’t book a hotel months in advance, then you will have no place to sleep after the Awaodori. However, I was able to reserve a hotel room in Kochi when I arrived there at 6pm!

Of course, if you can go to both, then do so! But if you can choose only one, then I hope this review will help you decide! And whatever you do, have a happy summer!

‘Imagine’ Launch party – June 2013

フェルトアーティスト 木村奈央さんの作品によって、イマジン語学スタジオのギャラリーは衣替えされました。その展示替えに伴っての恒例のレセプションパーティが、2013年6月9日(日)に行われました。



レセプションパーティでは、木村さんによるワークショップで参加者らがフェルトでピンバッチを製作しました。作家さんから直接ご指導をいただき、子どもも大人もとても充実したワークショプとなりました。前回に引き続いて、天然酵母パンのイツキベーカリーさん、自家焙煎の珈琲 miepump さんにもご参加いただきました。有難うございました。


‘When you open your door’ Launch party – March 2013

イマジン語学スタジオではこの春、作家・落 直子さんの作品を展示させていただいております。作品には植物が描かれたものが多く、とても春らしい空間となっております。

2013年3月10日(日)には恒例の展示替えにともなうパーティを開催しました。今回はイマジン5周年パーティも兼ねて、落さんによるライブペインティング、京都から miepump さんによる豆の焙煎からこだわったコーヒーとコーヒー豆の販売、そしてイツキベーカリーの天然酵母パンの試食・販売と、イベント盛り沢山のパーティとなりました。



落 直子さんの作品は2013年6月初旬まで展示しております。事前にご連絡いただければ作品見学していただけます。また、引き続き自由に絵の続きを描けるよう、ライブペインティングの作品もあわせてスタジオに飾っております。

imagine* is 5.






Who are you listening to?

I started working as an Editor for the British publishing company Macmillan last October. I work in the English Language department and help to check everything is correct and accurate in the textbooks before they are printed. I am also involved in planning the content of the textbook: activities, pictures, design and audio. Last December I attended a recording session in London where several actors read scripts that will eventually become the CD which accompanies every copy of The Business 2.0 (this is the book I work on!). This was lots of fun and very surprising. I say surprising because, having spent roughly ten years of my life teaching English and listening to a variety of class Cds, you start to recognise a lot of the voices you hear. For example, you might be listening to an activity in Total English and you realise it’s the same actor who does a listening activity in Business one:one. It’s always the same people! So, back to the recording session – imagine my surprise when the actors start to read the scripts and I completely recognise all of their voices! It was so strange. I felt quite shy as I was talking to them – as if they were celebrities! I told them I had heard their voices on many occasions over the years and they were very nice and polite, but it seems that this kind of work isn’t their main job. Most of them star in a BBC Radio 4 drama called ‘The Archers’. This is an extremely popular radio drama with over five million listeners and the first episode was broadcast over sixty years ago! It’s funny to think the people you are listening to in your lessons are actually VERY famous in the UK!
I think ‘The Archers’ could have a blog entry all to itself so maybe I will leave that until next time. Until then, enjoy your listening activities!

Here is a link to a documentary about the making of The Archers:
YouTube – The Archers – Behind the Scenes Pt 1

Here is a link for more information about The Business 2.0:
The Business 2.0

An imagine* Student is America Bound!

A new year will soon be upon us. For many people that means it’s time to think about the future. Some of us will make resolutions to study harder, eat less, exercise more or take-up a new hobby. It was around this time in 2011 that Itsuko, an imagine* student for almost three years, started thinking about her future.

In April 2012 Itsuko would be entering the fourth year of her undergraduate program at Doshisha University, and it was time to think seriously about what she would do after graduating. Would she get a job? Would she enter a master’s degree program? Would she take time off to travel and enjoy life?

None, of the above. Itsuko decided that she wanted to go to graduate school overseas and began taking measures in order to achieve her goal. In April 2012 she took the TOEFL test for the first time and got a score of 72. She realized that if she wanted to be a full time student in another country she would have get a higher score than that as most universities require at least a score of 80.

On December 19th Itsuko got the results of her most recent TOEFL test and found that she had increased her score by an amazing 20 points in just eight months!

In a brief interview Itsuko talks about her hopes for the future and gives advice for other students taking the TOEFL test.

Why did you decide to study overseas?

The first reason is that I like English and I want to communicate with many people. But I also want to use English in my future job.

Do you want to work in a foreign country?

No. In the future I want to stay in Japan and work for a Japanese company. But I want to use English and I would really like to help the company I work for expand internationally.

When you first took the TOEFL test, what score were you hoping to get?

I wanted to get 80, but I got 72. So I knew I had to study hard to get a higher score.

Do you have advice for people studying TOEFL?

The speaking and writing sections on the TEOFL IBT (Internet based test) is special. So I focused a lot on these parts in my English lessons. As well, the TOEFL test has a lot of academic vocabulary, it’s important to learn a lot of new words. Finally, the listening section so you need to practice a lot. I recommend doing a lot of practice tests in ‘real time’ so that you can get used to the timing and speed of the test.

Thanks for the great advice Itsuko! And congratulations on your amazing achievement.

In April 2013 Itsuko will attend the University of California, San Diego and take three month business English course. After that she is planning to attend University of California, Berkeley.