Yoga for January 2012

January: Creating This Year’s Intentions

Our life experience is our own magnificent creation. I like to think of life as a story. A story that is written by our own imagination. We have the blank pages, the pencils and paints to create whatever it is we feel in our hearts.

On Jan 1, 2012 we begin a new chapter in the story of our lives. My yoga class for the month of January will focus on creating your intention for the new year to come, focusing on two main areas that will assist us in our creation. We will move through heart opening yoga sets that unleash our passion and love for the things that matter the most to us in this life. We will also move through yoga sets that focus on our commitment and discipline in life. This represets our third chakra, our navel area. When we have a strong third chakra we have faith in ourselves and confidence we can succeed.

Opening the heart will help us to know what we want. Regardless of whether we know in our mind what we need, when we open the heart we become honest with ourselves. Sometimes we settle in life because society, family, and other people tell us we need to live in a certain way. If we listen to our hearts we have the greatest possible chance of creating happiness and of having fulfilling experiences.

The navel area will give us inner strength. This area is responsible for giving us the power to move through challenges and obstacles which can arise in everyone’s life no matter who they may be. When this area is strong we have the ability to stay in balance and maintain our stability.

Our meditations will be aimed at learning how to silence the mind. I will teach you how to use your mind to set an intention and then release it to the universe. During meditation our soul and the soul of the universe become one. In this oneness we can plant the seed for our creation to begin its first stage of life. This is the beginning of all life experience.

Our goal this month is to merge with our heart’s purpose and set our highest intentions and highest goals for the new year.
