Yoga for February 2012

I have decided to dedicate February’s yoga classes to opening up our power of communication. Representing the fifth chakra, communication is the ability to be vocal and express our ideas, feelings, needs and experiences to the people in our lives.

My goal is to move the blocked energy in our throat area, which may be keeping us from speaking up when it is necessary for us to communicate. Sometimes we feel inside that this may a difficult thing to do. However, it is so important that we have the confidence to ask for what we need, to say “No” when we can’t do something, and to share with those close to us what we are thinking and feeling inside. People don’t always know what what we are thinking or what we need. Good communication is the key to experiencing harmony, peace and understanding in our relationships.

Over the past five years, this has been one of the chakras that I myself have put a lot of focus and effort into. I grew up in an environment, and with a father, where I was not able to voice the things I needed to say. This made me fearful of speaking up in life: to teachers, in front of groups and in my relationships. After moving through certain yoga exercises and doing specific meditations focusing on the fifth chakra, I have made amazing progress and created permanent changes in my ability to express my needs and feelings to the important people in my life.

The fifth chakra also represents the tone and way we go about expressing ourselves to others. If we have had a family member that communicated through yelling, or with harshness, we might have picked up this behavior and started expressing ourselves in the same manner. Just being aware of how we communicate is so important and will help us to make any changes that may allow us to create stronger bonds and loving connections with those we are closest to.

Our goal this month is to build our confidence. To be direct, yet harmonious in our communication with other people, and find our own inner strength so that we will know when it is important for us to speak up, and when it may be wiser for us to remain in our own stillness.
