October 30 session

Hello! My name is Casey. I am from Los Angeles, California, in the United States. For over five years of my life I was thinking to myself: I really want to live in Japan and get to know the Japanese people. I did not know how I could do it. In November of 2010, after years of patience, one of my long time dreams came true: I was invited to Japan to be a yoga teacher. I had been teaching yoga for over six years in California and lived in the Maldives Republic in 2009 where I taught yoga to people from all over the world. I have studied yoga for over seven years and traveled to Thailand, China and many places throughout America to expand my experience, knowledge and teachings of the yogic science.

In 2005 I retired from my job as a professional stuntwoman after experiencing several yoga classes that impacted me so deeply that they changed my life forever. Although I had a good career and many friends in the stunt community, I did not have a deep feeling of inner harmony and contentment that I really believed was possible to live with. When I began doing yoga I started to feel alive. Through simple postures and basic meditation my mind started to feel clear. I felt healthy and in balance with my physical body, and my heart began to open in the most amazing way. I felt so happy. I am a gymnast and martial artist and have been working with the physical body all my life. I have always been interested in how to use the body and mind together in order to live to our highest potential as human beings. Yoga united my mind, body and soul. It gave me direction and a higher purpose for my life. I decided to make a commitment to teach and show people how to use their mind and body to create a life of purpose, peace and love. It is my honor to be here in Japan to share what I have learned through my own personal life experience.

Opening the Heart’s Center

On the most finite level our human body is comprised of five elements: fire, water, ether, air and earth. We can put these elements together as one group and call it energy. To live at our healthiest and happiest it is important for the energy in our body to flow.

As humans, our energy flow can become blocked as we put our body and mind through emotional stress and challenging experiences. This is natural. The beauty of yoga is that we have a way to shift our stagnant energy and return to our basic foundation of balance and harmony.

In this workshop we will focus on the opening of the heart’s center. We will move through specific yogic postures that will help us to release the old emotions, tension and hurt feelings that we have held deep inside our heart’s center.

Our goal is to create a change… A new opening in our ability to feel, and know a higher experience of our most pure and simplistic state of being called Love.
