Yoga for October 2012

The Power of Projection

Projecting is a way of becoming something. Projecting is a way to experience and live. Projecting, or emanating, is the way you create things. The experience we have in life is created by ourselves, and is not a random act. The way people see you and relate to you mirrors the way you feel about yourself.

This October, we will focus on getting to the core of what you want in this life. What is in the core of your soul? What is your deepest love?

For example, you may have an image of the kind of job you want. It might be a job where you can enjoy the people you work with, or enjoy what you do at work. It might be a job that helps people, or helps the world. Or maybe you want a job where you can make a good salary and still have the flexibility to travel. These job characteristics create an image of your perfect job.

When you believe, feel, visualize, and are PROJECTING the image you have into your meditation, then in time, it will become real – it will become your experience. You can do this to help yourself get a job, a love partner, a home, friends, and to become the person you want to be in this life.

This month we will work through various yoga sets that will help us to release some of the blockages we have deep in our subconscious. In childhood, many of us pick up something that is called “learned helplessness.” Maybe you dreamed of becoming an Olympic swimmer when you were a child but your parents said, “No, you won’t be good enough and we don’t have the money.” After hearing this type of thing many times as a young child, we feel that our dreams and passions being broken. We lose the faith that we can do the things that lay in the core of our hearts.

At anytime in our life we can shift and cleanse old thought patterns and remember our full potential. We can wake up our inner passion and use it to create the life we choose to live now. Join us this month as we remember who we are and take one step closer to our dreams.
